
Articles Posted in Marijuana Penalties


3 Things You Need to Know about Plea Deals and Deferred Prosecution

How to Protect Your Rights in a Plea Bargain and Deferred Prosecution

If you have criminal charges, it is likely that you will be faced with the decision of whether or not to take your case to trial.  As an alternative to trial, you may be offered a plea deal.  In some cases the prosecution can offer participation in a deferred prosecution…


Drug Charges: Sentencing Guidelines for Drug Crime Concictions

Drug Defense Attorney AZ | Drug Possession AZ Drug Possession Laws are strict and the Criminal Justice System is complicated. If you face drug possession charges in Arizona or were arrested for drug charges, you should consult a criminal Attorney who frequently defends drug charges as soon as possible. The…


Marijuana Charges: Sentencing Guidelines for Marijuana Convictions. Find out which factors carries the most weight

Marijuana Sales Penalties Phoenix Criminal Defense Lawyer If you face Phoenix Marijuana (also known as Pot, Cannabis, or Weed) sales charges, you should consult a Marijuana lawyer or criminal defense attorney who defends Marijuana drug charges in Phoenix, AZ. If convicted, you will be subject to serious punishment. Arizona takes…



Marijuana Sales Penalties, Defense “A good Chandler Marijuana Criminal Defense Attorney will make sure your get you fair treatment in court; your constitutional rights are protected; minimize the impact the charges; challenge evidence for suppression, attempt to get charges reduced, and make every effort if possible to get your Marijuana…



Marijuana Lawyer Chandler, AZ “If you do not qualify and are not offered deferred prosecution, the best Marijuana possession Lawyers who defend drug chares in Chandler, AZ will do everything possible to get your case dismissed, secure lesser charges, or in the least a significantly better outcome in your case,…

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